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A Quick Guide To Mastering Featured Snippets: 'Position Zero'

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

"Position Zero" Featured Snippet bear on a mountain top

What Is a Featured Snippet?

A Featured Snippet, often referred to as "position zero," is a short, direct answer to a user's search query that Google displays at the top of its search results, even above the first organic result. It's designed to provide users with immediate answers without needing to click through to a webpage. The content in the snippet is automatically extracted from web pages in Google's index and includes the page's title and URL. Featured Snippets come in various formats such as paragraphs, lists, tables, and sometimes even videos, depending on the nature of the search query.

How to get the featured snippet on Google: To get the featured snippet on Google, start by identifying keyword opportunities that your site could rank for using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs. Create high-quality, unique, and informative content that directly answers those queries, ensuring that it's organized in a way that Google can understand - this can include paragraph answers, bullet lists, and tables depending on the query. Leverage structured data where applicable to aid Google in understanding your content. It's also important to boost your page's overall SEO ranking through tactics such as backlinking, optimizing site speed, and enhancing mobile responsiveness. Monitor your results using Google Search Console and adjust your strategies accordingly based on your performance data.


When it comes to SEO, everyone’s aim is to reach that #1 spot on Google. But there's something even more desirable than the first organic result: the Featured Snippet. Also known as "position zero," this coveted spot provides a brief answer to a user's search query, even before the first link. In this comprehensive guide, we'll help you understand how to optimize your content to win this prime position.

1. Understanding the Featured Snippet

Featured Snippets are excerpts from a webpage that Google believes to be the best answer to a user's query. They're featured at the top of Google's search results, hence the term "position zero." Types of Featured Snippets include paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos. If you want to learn more about what a Featured Snippet is, check out this detailed article from Google Search Central.


Pro-Tip: Understand User Intent

Understanding user intent is crucial for SEO. Knowing what your audience is looking for will help you craft content that can answer their queries directly, which Google loves for its Featured Snippets. Learn more about user intent with this guide by Moz.


2. Identify Opportunities for Featured Snippets

Identifying the right opportunities to rank for a Featured Snippet requires keen insight into your audience's search behavior and keyword usage. This process starts with comprehensive keyword research to discover the phrases and queries that your audience uses to find content in your domain.

SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google's Keyword Planner can be instrumental in conducting this research, each offering unique data points and insight. SEMrush, for example, offers a dedicated 'Organic Research' tool that can help identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for. You can also use it to find the phrases they appear for in the Featured Snippet. Ahrefs, on the other hand, provides a 'SERP overview' report where you can identify the keyword phrases that trigger Featured Snippets.

Additionally, consider using Answer The Public. This tool helps discover questions that people are asking around your target keywords - these question-type queries often trigger Featured Snippets.

To supplement your keyword research, consider diving into Google's Search Console. It can help identify the search queries that your website is already appearing for, giving you a base to build and optimize from.

Once you have a comprehensive list of keywords and queries, analyze them to understand the user intent behind each. Tools like Moz's Keyword Explorer can help provide deeper insight into this. With a good grasp of user intent, you can create and optimize content specifically geared towards winning that coveted 'position zero'.

3. Create High-Quality Content

Content is king in the realm of SEO, and the creation of high-quality content is non-negotiable when targeting Google's Featured Snippets. But what exactly does high-quality content entail?

Firstly, your content should be unique and offer value to the reader. This means providing insights or information that are not readily available elsewhere. Additionally, it should be well-researched, factual, and reliable. Utilize resources like Google Scholar and ResearchGate for academic and scientific research, or Statista for reliable statistics and data.

Secondly, make your content engaging. Use storytelling, compelling visuals, and data visualizations where possible. Tools like Canva for designing graphics or Infogram for creating infographics can aid you in this.

Your content should also be easy to read and understand. Write for your audience, not search engines. The Hemingway Editor can help you craft clear, concise, and readable text.

Lastly, format your content well. Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it scannable. Incorporate relevant images, infographics, and videos to break up text and enhance the user experience. Tools like Grammarly and ProWritingAid can help with grammar, readability, and style.

Remember, the goal is to answer the user's query as directly and completely as possible. Creating in-depth, well-structured content that does this will increase your chances of being chosen for a Featured Snippet. For more tips, check out Content Marketing Institute's guide on creating high-quality content.


Pro-Tip: Master the Art of Content Structure

Structuring your content in a way that's easy for Google to understand can improve your chances of being featured. This can include using bullet points, numbered lists, and tables, or crafting a well-structured answer to a common question. Learn more about content structure with this guide by Web.Dev.


4. Organize Content for Featured Snippets

Structuring your content in a manner that Google can easily comprehend is key to securing the coveted Featured Snippet. Your content should be able to provide clear, concise answers to user queries, and its organization plays a significant role in this.

For paragraph snippets, keep your answers succinct and confined to around 40-50 words. Your response should directly answer the user's question and be located in an HTML paragraph tag (<p>).

List snippets are frequently used for step-by-step guides or ranked items. Using headings for each step or item (H2, H3, etc.) and organizing the steps or items in a bullet or numbered list (<ul>, <ol>) can enhance your chances of securing this type of snippet.

Table snippets are ideal for displaying structured data like prices, rates, years, or other items that are best presented in a table format. Organize this data effectively using HTML table tags (<table>, <tr>, <td>, etc.).

Videos can also be featured in snippets, particularly for "how-to" queries. Ensure your videos are of high quality, have a descriptive title and summary, and consider using a video transcript. Tools like Vimeo or Wistia can help you host and optimize your videos.

Finally, make sure to break up your text with subheadings to highlight different sections of your content, making it easy for Google and readers to scan. Google's own guide provides additional insight into how to structure your content effectively.

For more in-depth guidance on formatting your content for Featured Snippets, explore this comprehensive guide by Yoast. It provides a wealth of information about optimizing your content structure for Google's quick answer boxes.

5. Leverage Structured Data

Structured data, a specific form of HTML markup, gives search engines more detailed information about the content on your webpage, making it easier for them to understand and represent your content in search results. In the context of Featured Snippets, structured data can significantly enhance your chances of securing "position zero."

There are several types of structured data relevant to different kinds of content. For instance, if you're writing a recipe, you can use Recipe Schema, or if you're reviewing a product, you can use Review Schema. is the go-to resource for understanding different types of schemas and how to implement them.

Implementation can be done manually or through plugins like Yoast SEO for WordPress websites. Once you've added the structured data, validate it using Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure there are no errors.

Remember, while structured data doesn't guarantee a Featured Snippet, it does enhance your content's visibility in search results through rich results, potentially improving click-through rates. Google's guide on structured data offers more in-depth information about its importance and implementation.

For detailed step-by-step instructions on adding structured data to your website, check out this tutorial by Moz. It provides a comprehensive walk-through, from understanding the basics to advanced implementation.

6. Improve Your Page Authority

While specifically targeting Featured Snippets is important, improving your page's overall SEO is crucial as well. Google typically selects the Featured Snippet from one of the top-ranking pages for that particular search query. Hence, having a solid SEO foundation can significantly boost your chances of achieving 'position zero.'

Start by ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly, as Google has switched to mobile-first indexing. Use Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to check the mobile optimization of your page.

Page loading speed also impacts your SEO ranking. Slow-loading pages are a turn-off for users and can lead to a higher bounce rate. Tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights can help analyze and improve your page load speed.

On-page SEO elements such as meta tags, URL structure, and internal linking also influence your page's SEO. Use Moz's On-Page SEO guide for detailed tips on optimizing these elements.

Backlinks remain a strong ranking factor for Google. They signal the credibility and reliability of your content to search engines. Consider a dedicated link-building strategy. Backlinko's guide provides excellent strategies for building high-quality backlinks.

For more tips on boosting your page's overall SEO, refer to Ahrefs' guide on SEO optimization. Remember, a well-rounded and solid SEO strategy is the backbone of getting into a Featured Snippet.

7. Monitor Your Results

Monitoring and adjusting your strategy based on results is a crucial part of achieving and maintaining Featured Snippets. With Google's ever-changing algorithms, what works today may not work tomorrow, making continuous tracking and analysis essential.

Start by setting up Google Search Console for your website. This tool provides valuable insights into how Google views your site and can help you identify the search queries where you appear in Featured Snippets.

Track your keyword rankings using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs. These tools provide detailed data on your keyword performance and can help identify opportunities for improvement. They also offer insights into your competitors' performance, which can help you refine your strategy.

Analyze your website's user behavior using Google Analytics. Understanding how users interact with your site can help improve your content and user experience, increasing the chances of securing a Featured Snippet.

Ensure your website's health and performance with Moz Pro. This tool provides a broad overview of your website's SEO, from tracking rankings and monitoring backlinks to identifying technical SEO issues.

Finally, stay up-to-date with SEO trends and Google algorithm updates. Sites like Search Engine Journal and Moz Blog are great resources to keep you informed. The more aligned your strategies are with the latest best practices, the better your chances of securing and maintaining Featured Snippets.

8. Adjust and Iterate

Data-driven adjustments are key to continuously improving your chances of securing a Featured Snippet. By analyzing your performance data, you can gain insights into what's working and what's not, and tweak your strategies accordingly.

If a particular piece of content has secured a Featured Snippet, analyze the factors that could have contributed to its success. Is it the keyword choice, content structure, use of structured data, or a combination of these elements? Tools like Surfer SEO can help you perform a detailed content analysis.

On the other hand, if your content is not ranking as expected, investigate the potential reasons. It could be issues with website performance, on-page SEO, or the quality and relevance of your content. Google's Search Console and SEMrush's Site Audit Tool can help identify technical issues, while Grammarly and Hemingway Editor can assist with refining content quality.

Keep a close eye on your competitors. If they've secured a Featured Snippet that you were targeting, analyze their content to understand what they did differently. Ahrefs' Competitor Research Tools can provide valuable insights in this area.

Also, regularly update your content to keep it fresh and relevant. Google tends to favor content that is current and up-to-date. Yoast SEO has a content freshness check feature that can help with this.

Remember, securing a Featured Snippet is not a one-time achievement. Google's Featured Snippets are quite dynamic, and you need to constantly monitor and adjust your strategies to maintain your 'position zero' ranking.


Pro-Tip: Stay Current on SEO Trends

Google is always updating its algorithms. Staying up-to-date on the latest SEO trends and changes can help you adjust your strategy and stay ahead. Search Engine Journal is a great resource for keeping up with SEO trends.


Remember, while getting the Featured Snippet is beneficial, your main focus should be on creating valuable content for your audience. The Featured Snippet is just the cherry on top!


Achieving the Featured Snippet position on Google involves a deep understanding of your audience's queries, producing quality content, optimizing your HTML, and continuously monitoring your results.

For more reading on SEO strategies, check out the following:

Happy optimizing, and may you reach the coveted "position zero"!

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