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The Top 175 Google Ranking Factors: 2023 Edition

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Wooden blocks spelling "Page Rank"

It's important to note that while some of these factors have been confirmed by Google, many others are based on industry analysis and speculation. Additionally, Google's algorithm constantly evolves, so these factors may change over time.

List of Google Ranking Factors:

  1. Content quality and relevance: Google rewards websites that provide high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that meets the user's search intent.

  2. Backlinks: The number and quality of backlinks pointing to a website are still one of the most important ranking factors.

  3. User experience (UX): Websites that provide a positive user experience, such as fast loading times, easy navigation, and mobile responsiveness, are more likely to rank higher in search results.

  4. Page speed: Google considers website loading speed as a ranking factor because faster-loading pages provide a better user experience.

  5. On-page optimization: Proper use of title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags can help Google understand the content of a page and improve its relevance to a search query.

  6. Mobile-friendliness: With the increase in mobile searches, Google rewards mobile-friendly websites with a responsive design.

  7. Domain age, authority, and trust: Older domains with a history of high-quality content and positive user experiences are more likely to rank higher in search results.

  8. Social signals: Social media shares and engagement can provide an indication of content quality and relevance to Google's algorithm.

  9. Keywords: While not as important as they once were, the proper use of keywords in content and meta information can still provide a small boost in rankings.

  10. Site architecture: A well-organized site structure with clear navigation can help Google understand the content and purpose of a website.

  11. Domain and page authority: Google considers the authority of a website and individual pages when determining rankings.

  12. User engagement: Metrics such as time on site, bounce rate, and click-through rate can indicate to Google how engaged users are with a website's content.

  13. Content length: Longer content that provides in-depth information on a topic tends to rank higher in search results.

  14. Internal linking: Proper use of internal links can help Google understand the content and organization of a website.

  15. HTTPS: Websites with HTTPS encryption are more likely to rank higher in search results.

  16. User location: Google considers the location of the user when determining search results, so local businesses should focus on local SEO strategies.

  17. Freshness and updates: Regularly updating content and adding new content can signal to Google that a website is active and relevant.

  18. Direct traffic: Websites that receive a lot of direct traffic (i.e., visitors who type in the URL directly) are more likely to rank higher in search results.

  19. Image optimization: Proper use of alt tags, file names, and image size can help improve the user experience and boost rankings.

  20. Video content: Including video content on a website can provide a positive user experience and improve engagement metrics.

  21. Ads and pop-ups: Websites with many intrusive ads and pop-ups may be penalized in search rankings.

  22. Semantic search: Google uses natural language processing and machine learning to understand the meaning behind search queries and content.

  23. External links: Outbound links to high-quality, relevant websites can indicate to Google that a website provides valuable information to users.

  24. Dwell time: The amount of time users spend on a website after clicking on a search result can impact rankings.

  25. Brand mentions: Mentions of a brand or website across the web, even without a link, can signal to Google that a website is authoritative and relevant.

  26. Content format diversity: Websites that offer a variety of content formats (such as text, images, videos, and infographics) may rank higher in search results.

  27. Social media engagement: High levels of social media engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, can indicate to Google that a website's content is valuable and relevant to users.

  28. Quality of outbound links: Websites that link to high-quality, authoritative websites may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  29. Knowledge panel: Google may display a knowledge panel for certain search queries, which provides quick and easy access to relevant information about a topic or entity.

  30. Domain diversity: Websites with backlinks from several domains may rank higher than those with backlinks from only a few domains.

  31. Readability: Content that is easy to read and understand may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  32. Content structure: Proper use of subheadings, lists, and other formatting techniques can improve a website's readability and organization.

  33. Keyword placement: The placement of keywords within a page's content can impact its relevance to a search query.

  34. Domain history: A website's previous activity and behavior can impact its current search rankings.

  35. User reviews: Positive user reviews can provide social proof and indicate to Google that a website provides a positive user experience.

  36. User-generated content: User-generated content, such as comments and reviews, can indicate to Google that a website is active and engaging.

  37. Brand authority: The strength and authority of a brand can impact its search rankings.

  38. Author expertise: Google may consider the expertise and authority of the author when evaluating the relevance and quality of a page's content.

  39. Site Security: Websites with strong security measures, such as firewalls and SSL certificates, may rank higher in search results.

  40. Local citations: Consistent mentions of a business's name, address, and phone number across the web can improve its visibility in local search results.

  41. Accessibility: Websites that are accessible to users with disabilities may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  42. Trust signals: Websites that provide trust signals, such as privacy policies and contact information, may be viewed as more trustworthy by Google.

  43. Brand mentions with links: Brand mentions that include links to a website may have a stronger impact on search rankings than those without links.

  44. User behavior signals: User behavior signals, such as click-through rates and dwell time, can provide insight into the relevance and quality of a website's content.

  45. Interstitials: Websites with intrusive interstitials, such as pop-ups or full-page ads, may be penalized in search rankings.

  46. Domain length: Shorter domain names may be viewed more favorably by Google than longer ones.

  47. Domain registration length: Websites with longer domain registration periods may be viewed as more legitimate and trustworthy by Google.

  48. Business information: Accurate and consistent business information, such as name, address, and phone number, can improve a website's local search visibility.

  49. Customer service: Websites that provide excellent customer service and support may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  50. Outdated content: Outdated content that is no longer relevant or accurate may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  51. Page categories: Google may use categories and tags to help understand the content and purpose of a page.

  52. User-generated content moderation: Websites that actively moderate and remove spam or inappropriate user-generated content may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  53. Domain extensions: Certain top-level domain extensions (such as .gov, .edu, or .org) may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  54. Brand reputation: The overall reputation and perception of a brand online can impact its search rankings.

  55. Topic clusters: Websites that organize their content into topic clusters may rank higher for those specific topics.

  56. Multilingual content: Websites that offer content in multiple languages may rank higher for international search queries.

  57. Content uniqueness: Google may prefer unique and original content over content that has been duplicated from other sources.

  58. Internal site search: Websites with an internal search feature may provide a better user experience and improve engagement metrics.

  59. Social media profiles: The strength and activity of a website's social media profiles may impact its search rankings.

  60. Content depth: In-depth and comprehensive content may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  61. Citation consistency: Consistent and accurate citations across the web may improve a website's local search visibility.

  62. Influencer mentions: Mentions of a brand or website by industry influencers may impact search rankings.

  63. Search intent: Google may tailor search results based on the intent behind the search query.

  64. Site uptime: Websites with high uptime and availability may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  65. Business information consistency: Consistency of business information across a website and other online sources can improve a website's local search visibility.

  66. Metadata consistency: Consistent use of metadata (such as title tags and meta descriptions) can improve a website's relevance and ranking potential.

  67. Inbound anchor text: The anchor text used in inbound links to a website can impact its search rankings.

  68. URL structure: Clean and descriptive URL structures may improve a website's relevance and search rankings.

  69. Google My Business: Optimizing a Google My Business profile can improve a business's visibility in local search results.

  70. Content freshness: Regularly updating and refreshing content may improve a website's relevance and search rankings.

  71. User-generated content engagement: User-generated content that receives high levels of engagement may indicate to Google that a website provides valuable content.

  72. Schema markup: Proper use of structured data can help Google understand the content and organization of a website.

  73. Syndicated content: Websites that syndicate content from other sources may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  74. Semantic relationships: The relationships between words and topics within a piece of content can impact its relevance and search rankings.

  75. Accurate pricing information: Websites that provide accurate and up-to-date pricing information may be viewed more favorably by Google for e-commerce searches.

  76. Clickbait headlines: Websites that use clickbait headlines may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  77. Original research: Conducting and publishing original research can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  78. Content tone: The tone and style of a website's content can impact its relevance and appeal to users and therefore its search rankings.

  79. Broken links: Websites with broken or non-functional links may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  80. Geolocation: Websites with content that is geographically relevant to the user may rank higher for location-based searches.

  81. Domain length of registration: Longer domain registrations periods may be viewed as an indicator of a trustworthy and stable website.

  82. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): Websites that use AMP, which is designed to improve mobile browsing speed, may rank higher in mobile search results.

  83. Google Maps inclusion: Optimizing a business's Google Maps listing can improve its visibility in local search results.

  84. Customer feedback: Websites that actively solicit and respond to customer feedback may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  85. Content curation: Curating and sharing high-quality third-party content may improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  86. Keyword synonyms: Using relevant synonyms and related terms throughout a website's content can improve its relevance to search queries.

  87. Authoritative sources: Websites that link to authoritative sources may be viewed more favorably by Google and impact search rankings.

  88. Broken images: Websites with broken or non-functional images may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  89. Navigational structure: Properly structuring and organizing a website's navigation can improve its user experience and search rankings.

  90. Featured snippets: Websites that appear in Google's featured snippets, which are highlighted boxes of information at the top of search results, may receive more traffic and visibility.

  91. Content length consistency: Consistently providing content of a similar length and depth can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  92. Website layout: Websites with clear and intuitive layouts may improve user experience and search rankings.

  93. Google News inclusion: Optimizing a website for Google News can improve its visibility and traffic from news searches.

  94. User demographics: Google may tailor search results based on the demographic information of the user.

  95. Image alt text: Properly optimizing image alt text can improve a website's relevance to search queries and image searches.

  96. 360-degree photos and videos: Including 360-degree photos and videos may improve a website's user experience and search rankings.

  97. Outbound link diversity: Using a diverse set of outbound links can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  98. Excessive ads: Websites with excessive ads or pop-ups may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  99. Domain exclusivity: Websites that exclusively use a single domain extension (such as .com) may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  100. . User-generated content quality: High-quality user-generated content may improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  101. Hidden content: Websites that use hidden content or hidden text to manipulate search rankings may be penalized by Google.

  102. Site functionality: Websites with useful tools or features that improve user experience may rank higher in search results.

  103. PDF optimization: Optimizing PDF files for search engines, such as adding relevant metadata and text, can improve a website's visibility in search results.

  104. Image optimization diversity: Using a variety of image optimization techniques, such as compression, resizing, and lazy loading, can improve a website's user experience and search rankings.

  105. Off-page sentiment: When determining search rankings, Google may consider the overall sentiment or mood around a brand or website.

  106. Natural language queries: Google's algorithm is becoming more adept at understanding and responding to natural language queries, such as voice search.

  107. Audience retention: Websites that can retain their audience for longer periods of time may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  108. Voice search optimization: Optimizing a website's content and structure for voice search queries can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  109. Knowledge base integration: Integrating a website's content with a knowledge base or wiki can improve its search rankings and provide value to users.

  110. Breadcrumbs: Properly implemented breadcrumbs can improve a website's organization and search rankings.

  111. User session data: Google may use data about a user's session, such as their clicks and browsing behavior, to determine search rankings.

  112. Site speed consistency: Consistently providing fast loading times across a website can improve user experience and search rankings.

  113. Conversion rate optimization (CRO): Websites with effective CRO strategies that improve user engagement and conversions may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  114. Original images and video content: Using original and high-quality images and videos on a website can improve its user experience and search rankings.

  115. Time on page: Longer time on page metrics may indicate to Google that a website's content is valuable and engaging.

  116. Evergreen content: Providing evergreen content that is relevant and valuable over a long period of time may improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  117. User behavior history: Google may use a user's search and browsing history to personalize search results and determine rankings.

  118. Subdomain structure: Properly structuring and organizing subdomains can improve a website's organization and search rankings.

  119. Website security certificate: Websites that use a valid SSL certificate may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  120. User journey optimization: Optimizing a website's user journey to provide a seamless and intuitive experience may improve search rankings.

  121. URL age: Older URLs may be viewed more favorably by Google and impact search rankings.

  122. Searcher personalization: Google may personalize search results based on a user's location, search history, and preferences.

  123. Content recall: Websites that provide memorable content that sticks in users' minds may improve search rankings.

  124. Site map: Properly implementing a sitemap can improve a website's organization and search rankings.

  125. Industry associations and certifications: Including relevant industry associations and certifications on a website can improve its authority and search rankings.

  126. Video sitemap: Creating and submitting a video sitemap to Google can improve a website's visibility and search rankings for video content.

  127. Image optimization for social media: Properly optimizing images for social media sharing, such as adding meta tags and descriptions, can improve a website's social media visibility and search rankings.

  128. Rich snippets: Including structured data to provide rich snippets, such as star ratings and product prices, can improve a website's visibility and search rankings.

  129. Content distribution: Promoting a website's content through various channels, such as email and social media, can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  130. Third-party reviews: High-quality reviews from third-party websites like Yelp and TripAdvisor can improve a business's local search visibility.

  131. Behavioral targeting: Optimizing a website's content and user experience to match the behavior and preferences of its target audience can improve its search rankings. Google is phasing out this factor.

  132. Inbound link authority: The authority of the websites that link to a website can impact its search rankings.

  133. Social proof: Including social proof, such as customer testimonials and case studies, can improve a website's credibility and search rankings.

  134. Search engine submission: Submitting a website's URL to search engines can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  135. Negative reviews: Websites with a high volume of negative reviews may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  136. Email engagement: Websites with high levels of email engagement, such as open and click-through rates, may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  137. Topical authority: Websites that establish themselves as a leading authority in a specific topic or niche may rank higher for related search queries.

  138. Related searches: Google may display related searches at the bottom of search results, which can provide insight into related topics and content to improve search rankings.

  139. Blog optimization: Optimizing a website's blog for search engines, such as using relevant tags and categories, can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  140. Sitemap submission: Submitting a website's sitemap to Google can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  141. Image search optimization: Optimizing images for search engines, such as using relevant filenames and alt text, can improve a website's image search visibility and search rankings.

  142. Original content production: Regularly producing and publishing high-quality original content can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  143. Domain authority: The authority of a website's domain, as determined by factors such as age and backlinks, can impact its search rankings.

  144. User-generated content moderation speed: Websites that quickly and effectively moderate user-generated content may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  145. Backlink diversity: Using diverse backlinks, such as from various types of websites and social media platforms, can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  146. AMP implementation: Properly implementing AMP, designed to improve mobile browsing speed, can improve a website's mobile search visibility and rankings.

  147. Local search directories: Optimizing a business's listings on local search directories, such as Google My Business and Bing Places, can improve its local search visibility and search rankings.

  148. Page load time consistency: Consistently providing fast page load times across a website can improve user experience and search rankings.

  149. Original visual content: Producing and publishing original and high-quality visual content, such as infographics and illustrations, can improve a website's authority and search rankings.

  150. Mobile app integration: Integrating a mobile app with a website can improve its mobile search visibility and search rankings.

  151. Content formatting: Properly formatting content, such as using subheadings and bullet points, can improve a website's readability and search rankings.

  152. Responsive design: Websites that use responsive design to provide a consistent user experience across devices may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  153. Page-level traffic: Pages on a website that receive higher levels of traffic may be viewed more favorably by Google and impact search rankings.

  154. Website accessibility: Websites that are accessible to users with disabilities may be viewed more favorably by Google and impact search rankings.

  155. Site architecture: Properly organizing and structuring a website can improve its user experience and search rankings.

  156. Local content optimization: Optimizing a website's content for local keywords and locations can improve its local search visibility and search rankings.

  157. Site theme: Websites with a consistent theme or topic may be viewed more favorably by Google and impact search rankings.

  158. App store optimization: Optimizing a mobile app's listing in app stores, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play, can improve its visibility and search rankings.

  159. Inbound link relevance: The relevance of the websites that link to a website can impact its search rankings.

  160. Customer support quality: Websites that provide high-quality customer support and service may be viewed more favorably by Google.

  161. Word count: The length of a page's content can impact its relevance and search rankings.

  162. Internal link structure: Properly structuring internal links can improve a website's organization and search rankings.

  163. User-generated content quantity: High quantities of user-generated content may indicate to Google that a website provides valuable content.

  164. URL length: Short and descriptive URLs may improve a website's relevance and search rankings.

  165. Featured videos: Including featured videos on a website can improve its user experience and search rankings.

  166. Site traffic trends: Google may use trends in a website's traffic to determine its search rankings.

  167. Negative backlinks: Websites with a high volume of negative backlinks may be viewed negatively by Google and impact search rankings.

  168. Navigational queries: Google may tailor search results based on navigational queries, such as searches for a specific brand or website.

  169. Competitor backlinks: Analyzing and replicating backlinks from a website's competitors can improve its authority and search rankings.

  170. User experience testing: Testing and optimizing a website's user experience can improve its search rankings.

  171. User engagement consistency: Consistently providing high levels of user engagement, such as through comments and social shares, can improve search rankings.

  172. WhoIs: Public WhoIs listings are viewed more favorably than private.

  173. Website uptime consistency: Consistently providing high uptime and availability across a website can improve its search rankings.

  174. Content personalization: Providing personalized content to users, such as based on their location or behavior, can improve a website's relevance and search rankings.

  175. Historical data: The historical performance and behavior of a website can impact its search rankings over time.

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